Build, explore, fight and survive in a hostile galaxy full of hidden dangers, brought to you by PRG.
Table of Contents
1. VIP & Store Info
2. Game Info
3. Rules
4. Empyrion Restrictions
5. Ship Insurance
6. Nitro Boost Benefits
We look forward to you joining us on PRG’s custom Empyrion Server! Our server does not have CPU, Weight, Turret Count, or Volume Limits. Blueprints can be brought in at size class 18.49 but are unlimited once on the server. PRG Staff has developed many custom items that exist in the PRG tech tree. When your build is done insurance can be purchased to make sure your creation makes it into the next season with every block you had on it when insured. Admins are on around the clock and the ticket system makes it easy to get assistance. Shell ships events to encourage building and help you learn blockwork are constantly running, materials are provided. Multiple events PVE and PVP are hosted weekly by the admin team and have great rewards. Custom POIs developed by PRG staff are also in game and can be found from Barter Town, the central point for commerce, meet-ups, transportation, showing off and more… Join our friendly community today!
VIP & Store Info
If you are looking for VIP stuff click <PENDING>
If you are looking for the Guild Store click <PENDING>
Game Info
Primal Rage Gaming | Reforged Eden | No wt/vol/cpu
Guild Rules
1- Don’t be toxic, period. We are a friendly family here with a healthy community.
2- If on Discord, your nickname needs to match your in- game name.
3- No Flaming in chat especially about sensitive subjects (religion/politics).
4- No Advertising/Discussing other servers or attempting player poaching.
5- If you need staff support, leaving a support ticket on| Discord gets our attention the best.
6- No disrupting the game/games or chat. Toxicity and Disruption of any kind are prohibited.
7- Do not reveal information about yourself, personally. Online communities are great, but these are still “strangers”.
8- Recording/Streaming without the permission of the chat/group you are in, is prohibited.
9- Keep politics/conspiracies out of gaming.
10 – Discord is 18+ age minimum.
11 – Do not @ or DM staff. If you have issues, please post a support ticket, No @admins or @moderators, etc.
12 – This is a private gaming community. Any person may be removed without cause.
Game Rules
1 – Don’t be Toxic – There’s no need to.
2 – No racism – sexism, religious or political opinions. People play to get away from this stuff.
3 – Replacing of ships (whether insured or not) will be at Admin discretion, on a case-by-case basis.
4 – No Poaching – Don’t invite players to other servers.
5 – Do Not dig under people’s Auto-miners, see rule 1
6 – No building within 1 mile of all poi’s on Starter planets like The Hideleburg, antenna’s ect. parking of ships and bases near these causes problems for
new players doing the quest line (the Hidleburg drone being shot down) ect. ships and structures within the 1-mile mark will be moved.
Empyrion Restrictions
- Size class limitations, 18.49 max for blueprints, once you have them spawned in, and scratch builds -> have NO size limit.
- Please avoid the destruction of quests objects and buildings when possible.
- Turret limits have been removed.
- CPU and weight don’t apply.
- All store items are Guaranteed — except if used in pvp.
Ship Insurance
Your ship will be spawned with:
- No size class restriction.
- No material cost, and no wait time.
- It will come fully fueled and oxygenated.
- It will have 3 stacks of Pentax, and a Stack each of ammo.
- If you own an Alien core it will be also added.
- In addition, warp drives carry over with your ship.
So make that Explorer drive you always wanted. Insurance Ships designated a Hauler, will be uninsurable, until adjusted.
Nitro Boost Benefits
Server Nitro Boosters will receive a thank you gift from the Empyrion team:Â
- Detox kit x 20.
- Decontamination kit x 20.
- Trauma kit x 20.
- Health pack x 20.
- Bandages x 20.
- Small O2 bottle x 200.
Plus, you get all the perks of being a Nitro subscriber! Information found here: